Want Free Health Insurance for your children?

Free Child Insurance included with Our Family Health Insurance Plans in Thailand

Family Health Insurance

"When we found ourselves in predicaments no one could have foreseen, they [CNX] jumped in and went out of their way to help us"

Carol Nelson

Want Free Health Insurance for your children?

Free Child Insurance included with our family health Insurance Plans in Thailand

Family Health Insurance

“When we found ourselves in predicaments no one could have foreseen, they [CNX] jumped in and went out of their way to help us”
Carol Nelson

Why children should have health insurance cover in Thailand

Family Insurance Thailand Chiang Mai

With its diverse range of schools, budget-friendly lifestyle, perpetual tropical climate, and rich culinary scene, Thailand emerges as an ideal destination for expat parents shaping their family’s future.

Moreover, private healthcare costs remain remarkably affordable compared to those in many developed nations like the US and Singapore.

By obtaining a suitable insurance policy for the whole family parents can sleep comfortably knowing that if the unthinkable was to happen (and sometimes it does) they have adequate health insurance to cover it.

Children require more vaccinations

Children with health insurance not only prioritize their own well-being but also contribute to community health by receiving crucial vaccinations.

Children’s Vaccinations:

It’s evident that many vaccines necessitate booster shots, an additional dose following the initial vaccination. Given children’s need for more frequent vaccinations compared to adults, expenses can quickly accumulate, particularly with pricier vaccines such as the Japanese encephalitis vaccine.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly recommend the following vaccines for children in Thailand:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Polio
  • Mumps, Measles, and Rubella
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Malaria
  • Rabies
  • Yellow fever

Kids are more susceptible to illness

It’s a familiar situation for parents worldwide: children simply often fall ill, triggering understandable concern among mum & dad.

Whether at home or abroad, children’s still-developing immune systems, coupled with regular interactions with peers at school and group activities, increase their vulnerability to various illnesses.

Childhood Health Risks

Ailments like colds and sore throats typically pose mild threats to health, others such as whooping cough and measles demand urgent medical attention. Among the most prevalent are;

  • Fever
  • Chickenpox
  • Colds
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Skin infection
  • Sore throat
  • Ear infection
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Croup
  • Food allergies
  • Measles
  • Rubella
  • Whooping cough

In Thailand, certain infectious diseases pose elevated risks to both children and adults, with young children particularly vulnerable like;

  • Dengue
  • Hemorrhagic fever
  • Japanese encephalitis

Family Medical Health Cover

Living in Thailand with Children?

Need to get them health insurance?
But don’t want to pay for every child?
Then I’ve got just the thing…

I work with several health providers that don’t charge for your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th child. Yes it’s true, you can get them covered for free.


Critical benefits include

Personal Accident Icon

Free Cover for Children


2nd , 3rd and 4th children get discounted or free cover when purchased in a family policy.

Worldwide cover
AAA Standard
Claims center is in Bangkok
Multilingual staff
Worldwide cover
AAA Standard
Claims center is in Bangkok
Multilingual staff
Child at hospital


Coverage is 365 days a year in the following countries – Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

You are also fully covered for stays of less than 120 consecutive days in one of the countries that belong to the European Economic Area (EEA)*

Outside the above mentioned areas you get 7 weeks cover (for any one single trip) accident and Emergency treatment only. So for example this would apply in places like the U.S, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada etc.

At the time of writing – there are three (3) insurance plan available; Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

Bronze plan is in-patient cover only,
Silver includes some out-patient.
Gold has higher out-patient cover and includes things like Dental.

A certificate will be delivered to get you back into the Country.


You can pay monthly, and note that there is no extra fee to do so.


Claims are settled directly by the insurer to the hospital.

So you do not need to pay first and claim back later.

Accuracy: We do all we can to ensure that the information and guidance we provide is accurate at the time of writing. Policies and details may change, and in all cases we recommend reading the official documentation we will deliver to you. If you have any specific questions please contact us directly – we will be happy to help.


Coverage is 365 days a year in the following countries – Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

You are also fully covered for stays of less than 120 consecutive days in one of the countries that belong to the European Economic Area (EEA)*

Outside the above mentioned areas you get 7 weeks cover (for any one single trip) accident and Emergency treatment only. So for example this would apply in places like the U.S, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada etc.

At the time of writing – there are three (3) insurance plan available; Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

Bronze plan is in-patient cover only,
Silver includes some out-patient.
Gold has higher out-patient cover and includes things like Dental.

A certificate will be delivered to get you back into the Country.


You can pay monthly, and note that there is no extra fee to do so.


Claims are settled directly by the insurer to the hospital.

So you do not need to pay first and claim back later.

Child at hospital


"He knows his stuff!"
Making expat financial products transparent and honest is not an easy job, yet you always deliver with a smile
Jacob Mellor
Chiang Mai
The pain of a dog bite is negligible. The peace of mind in getting timely treatment with a solid insurance policy is priceless"
Kate Harrah
Chiang Mai
When we found ourselves in predicaments no one could have foreseen, they both jumped in and went out of their way to help us.… "They gave us quick personal service with out-of-the-box solutions. We couldn't be happier!
Carol Nelson
Chiang Mai
Insurance seems so confusing sometimes and then being an expat with not knowing the language makes a bit more unnerving . Insurance is meant to put your mind at ease and be there for you in an emergency . You have helped with putting my mind at ease .
Chiang Mai
Without Andy’s competence and Thai language expertise, I would have had a much more difficult experience dealing in a stressful situation
Douglas Canete
Chiang Mai
Andy’s been brokering insurance in Thailand for 12 years and saved many expats from disaster. He speaks scholarly Thai and knows how to deal with insurers and hospitals
Godfree Roberts
Chiang Mai

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Don’t delay and regret it later.  
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Quotes are provided by CNX Insure
Chiang Mai’s No.1 Insurance Broker